Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A Card Carrying Atheist

To be a card carrying Atheist, you'll first need to acquire a felt tip pen, some scissors, and a piece of cardboard. Write anything you like on the card, but it should somehow refer to the topic of being an Atheist.

Late reflections on god after considering ones precarious mortality (it's only precarious when you think about it), lead me to conclude that most (but not all) memory depends on physical matter, such as the juxtaposition of objects or string of events inside our brain, matched with something similar on the outside.

I'm saying "not all" memory is recorded that way because I occasionally have remembered things that hadn't yet happened. As a teenager, my mom sold tickets at the Senator Theater in Chico. She told me several times that when watching old movies she knew what was going to happen next, probably, she said, because she'd seen it years before. I'm not too sure that's always the case because I sometimes recognize some piece of a movie plot even when I haven't seen the movie (40 yr car gypsy w/ no computer or access). It might be some kind of deja-vu but other times I've definitely remembered the sequence of having the information and wondering what it was about, sometimes years before the event occurred (odearodear 1 Jan 2017). I further doubt that I'm the only person who does that.

The point of this is whether thinking exists without physical support. Some say that thought creates the world. Well yes it does in a way, I imagine something before I draw it out before I start to build it, but that's part of a feedback loop that starts with having a physical agency first, not through thought before the agency.

If thought could realize physical stuff before agency, I'd be surrounded by hot babes. But duh! Nope it's something else.

But to continue about thinking w/ no physical reference: There's a patriarchal god in heaven and then there's hot babes on earth. Medieval monks said god existed before hot babes, but I doubt that's true. It's more like an entirely cerebral statement of tribal status quo among a bunch of guys that aren't allowed to act when they're horney. Their accommodation and survival depends on avoiding SIN. The brother superior says it'll be like that when they're dead (eternal bliss) but only if they confess regularly & don't get excommunicated (booted out of the church). What's the point of that? Eternal bliss is 'no thinking' which might be accessible through other means than the church (cough, lots of drugs), but scriptures don't talk about it.

My conclusion is that without hot babes, thinking evaporates by itself. We need a physical stimulus to form imagination. This article says memories are made (Nature magazine) by the action of repairing DNA, a physical thing.

OK now that the plausibility is sort of established, I need to know how I can have a memory of something before it happens. Maybe a wormhole in the Akashic record(?) but that sounds like bull, so how about some kind of quantum entanglement where the same proteins entanglement extends through time, whatever happens takes place in more than one time/place. OK, that sounds like bull too but it's what I have for now. If you can do better, please write it in the comments. :)

Update, next day:

    Quantum Weirdness Now a Matter of Time (QuantaMagazine)

    "... These correlations seriously mess with our intuitions about time and space. Not only can two events be correlated, linking the earlier one to the later one, but two events can become correlated such that it becomes impossible to say which is earlier and which is later."
The authors are trying to entangle a secure message that cant be read before a certain date, but a side effect seems to be that an entangled temporal event can happen at a different time. In my case though, one is the event, the other is a perception of the event in a dream. I don't know what's actually happening but the pieces seem to go in the right direction.

Saturday, March 09, 2024

About Witches in Society

There are stories about people riding on broomsticks and casting spells that have since been discredited in this age of objectivity where, as more people agree, the more valid it sometimes becomes. That's a hard point to argue against because you're bucking public opinion, when you might have objective evidence that they're all wrong, like this. Then it's your side against the non believers, a war of faiths, complicated by intolerance and the perception of intolerance.

Objectively speaking, the term "witch" has become a derogatory way of describing the result of an apparently universal human tendency to get wasted drunk or stoned and then try to convince straight people that the hallucinations are real, while trying to avoid responsibility for violating social courtesy.

Before the Middle Ages that term didn't have the same meaning. In fact Norsemen would sometimes prefer to kidnap witches. Why? Because in Ireland they were brewers and curers. The trend was widespread enough that rumor had it that most women in Ireland were witches, and they really were a positive addition to beer drinking communities in Norway.

In this reguard, the Vikings were enlightened and tolerant of people with differing opinions and background. Or maybe they just didn't care about things that couldn't be turned into wealth.

Irish witches used cauldrons, they also used a kind of watertight stone trough, probably for fermenting or steeping ingredients. The cauldrons are seldom found but the stone troughs are all over Northern Europe, especially Ireland, probably because they're not portable. Their number gives an idea of how widespread the practice was. DNA tested residue from the troughs indicate a wide selection of plants, some of which had medicinal properties, and some were (probably) for flavor.

Later, during the witch trials, the solution was mandated by the church and state to control the social effects of popular drug "abuse", much the same extreme way as Reagan, and Duterte handled it, when it began to infringe on the official version of reality.

Not that the Official version of reality is a bad thing, It helps people get along and settles disputes (unless it causes a war). There was an American Indian culture (in Ohio?) around the 12th century that some say apparently fell apart at the same time as (because of) their state sanctioned (over)use of bufotenine, a narcotic derivative of some species of toad skins that causes hallucination. The chiefs used it and stopped caring about the people.

Beer hasn't always been made with Hops and Barley. Sometimes poisonous plants like monkshood and henbane were added for alchemical or apothecary properties. Without FDA inspectors, toe of toad & eye of newt could likely have had regionally recognized pharmaceutical properties, though their use in Macbeth was recognizable for the implied innuendo by association with stupid, greedy and ignorant creatures. Vikings intentionally took Henbane concoctions to make them more fierce and immune to pain. Vikings also imported pharmacology from other countries too. Medicine has always been a big trade item. The legal definition of Rum, Pepper, and Cocaine changes by region and government, for example Portugal and Singapore promote opposite solutions to subjectivity: Portugal makes all drug use legal with social support to re-direct drug users toward objectivity. While Singapore gives the death penalty for the same thing (change or die druggie, not the state's responsibility).

In Andean countries there is a drink called Chicha made from fermented corn. It's a lot like corn mash used for moonshine but is never distilled and has to be consumed within a few days because it's said to be poisonous if it spoils. It's traditionally made in big round 15 (+/-) gallon pots (like big cauldrons). Which are ordered several weeks ahead of some occasion, party, or for Indian bars called Chicharias. By coincidence (maybe) a skeleton was found in a Viking cemetery in Norway with six vertebra in his neck. People usually have seven vertebra, except in the high Andes where six is a local (and defining) genetic trait. Not saying that guy was kidnapped from South America in the 10th century to make hooch in Norway, but he was. The tradition of getting whacked with your friends goes way back, still the same problem. Try to be objective.