Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Subjectivity is a road that goes someplace but doesn't connect to a road system.

Objectivity is a road system that connects to other roads but all together they're still just another form of subjectivity because the roads only connect to (reference) themselves.

In the secret places of our minds, we know how to get from A to B without roads, but to explain it, we have to cross private territory. The objective road might not even go there (you cain't get there from here). We have to follow the road because social convention determines objectivity (No Trespassing) so we're not allowed to form conclusions without referencing a source.

But there's other ways to orient direction from some constant reference point. For example the sun, or moon, or a steady wind, a compass, or the north star. These external references are perhaps basic truths like the laws of thermodynamics or quantum physics. They appear to be independent of territory or opinion (yes even quantum entanglement).

When you were around 7 or 10, you could cut across the neighborhood or decide to climb some mountain and then do it because you knew how in principal and nobody said you couldn't. You could also fly in your dreams. After awhile though, someone eventually said you couldn't.

Now you believe those people warn you of danger, and you need them to survive. So you limit yourself out of fear and to please them. You look normal. You have a car. You're (relatively) successful. You pay taxes for the "right" to BE someplace (any place). The road goes by your house. You're sane, and you're a punk.

One night you have a dream of stars beyond the horizon. The milky way is bright enough to see by, crushed weed stalks smell like spice resin, the ground is warm, dirt crunches as you lift off. You know the way.

Birds and animals are flying with you. Incidentally you see where your neighbor left her keys and how the car door got dented, but it seems irrelevant. Then you remember she wanted to know those things and you wake up. You wish you could go back but the sun is coming up and you have work to do.

You're eager to tell your neighbor about her keys but on reflection, you can't logically explain how you knew, she'll think you're the thief, so you don't.

Outside, wild geese are calling.

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