Tuesday, August 01, 2023

More Flash

OK here's another flash (if I can spit it out, covid did a number on my brain & I haven't been able to concentrate for zip):

There's a perceptual association between "spirit" and synesthesia. An Synesthete (someone with Synesthesia) can see colors on or around an object, letter, word, or number. I don't know if some credentialed authority/specialist with a narrower definition would agree, so I'm postulating that another form could be "reading" cards or auras, because as the covid introvert/recluse becomes more intimately acquainted with them, they have their own personality. There may also be a form that represents environmental factors with odd feelings: bad neighborhoods, creepy buildings, etc.

These forms of synesthesia are more technically approachable because they're fairly universal and don't require any hocus pocus to recognize now that they've been separately described by multiple studies in several countries. But a person might form synesthetic like association between other forms of perception, such as an event and a place, maybe like PTSD (but on a vanishingly subtile scale) So they have the impression that something may be about to happen before it does. But there's no studies linking these (as far as I know) and someone with a more a rigorous opinion might say this isn't synesthesia. OK cool, but maybe that definition is too narrow.

Take the Perception Census.