Sunday, October 23, 2022

About Owls

While gypsying in Kentucky, my VW van began to loose compression from driving out from Calif. So I pulled the engine to fix the valves. In 1973 Jim Crow was still alive and well in Kentucky and I discovered there was no distinction between migrant Hippies, and White Trash. I don't recommend being either one. To keep focussed and avoid the grimmer aspects of being stranded deep in redneck country without mobility, I did meditations in the evening or whenever it seemed appropriate.

Wherever I meditated, there often seemed to be a repeating "barking dog phenomena" that was distracting and interesting in a way that shouldn't be happening, but it was and it depended on my attention sort of like an audio feedback version of biofeedback. It was weird because I was living in my van at the time and slept in a different location every night. Different dogs, same phenomena. In rural Kentucky there were no neighborhood dogs, but an owl began to hoot regularly in a big tree about 300 yards away. I later asked a meditation instructor about it. He said it's not possible, there could be no actual association, it was just coincidence. Bull. I think he had no similar experience and said that the way Gramma says "Don't worry sweetie, a bear won't eat you, have some pie"

It got to be such an incursion on my peace of mind that I resolved to borrow a neighbors .22 and shoot the bugger. A meditation instructor would have cautioned me that anything that rash could put a dent in my progress toward enlightenment, but alas none were around at the time.

So I scouted the tree out one morning to see if I could tell where his hooting perch was. He wasn't there, but there was some large bird size poops on the ground below a limb on the south side of the tree about 25 or 30 feet up. There was no concealed route to the tree except by using the trunk as a shield. The next day, I took the .22 down to the tree to solve his buggering problem.

In case you've missed stories about how Owls just know when you're considering mayhem towards them: They do. Their insight seems to cover a range of perceived thoughts but all of them must recognize the owl itself in some form. For example if you see a flock of birds but ignore the lump of the owls outline, they still feel secure and don't react. But if you actually note the owl, they know it, they share that thought. It's a talent they've developed similar to fighter pilots who know when they're in an enemys' sights even though they don't see him. Or the feeling you get just before you look in the rear view mirror to see a cops flashing red light.

So when I went after the owl, I kept the tree between us but I had to round the trunk to take my shot. An instant before I did, he knew I was there and took off down hill through the trees like a flash. It's more than good hearing because he was 30 feet up and relatively safe from big slow ground dwellers; he knew I was a mortal threat. Later the same day, after dark, I was cooking dinner and a terrific shriek came from the tree outside. It was the Owl who came back to challenge me. I ran out to confront him. He was a black silhouette against the sky and branches, glaring down at me for a brief second, flew, and disappeared over the house. I've heard *of* the owls war cry but had never actually heard it before. It starts as a midrange hoot and quickly ascends upward in range and volume into a shriek. It made my hair stand on end. You know you're being called out. Moreover, you discover you're dealing with a territorial male that will hold a grudge and defend his honor when he's been embarrassed in front of his family.

I took the VW head w/ bad valves to a cracker machine shop in Franklin. He popped the valve seats out. But that doesn't work on VWs because they tend to fall out when they're put back in, further messing up the pistons & heads. I told him that and asked for the head so I could trade it in at the VW dealership in Bowling Green. He refused to give it back unless I paid him (for ruining it). So I hitched 60 miles to Bowling Green which was the nearest VW dealer and asked if they had a used 1500 head that they could sell cheap. The desk guy said no problem and pulled a good one out of a pile and gave it to me free! I hitched back to Franklin and the following day I put the van back together.

By the time I'd put the engine back, my already weak battery had run down from using the cabin light at night for most of a week, so I tried to roll the van down a slope to get it started (you can do that with cars that use generators but not with alternators). The gas line and Carburetor float bowl were drained when I removed the Carburetor and it takes a few minutes of cranking to get it filled again. The hill wasn't long enough so rolling didn't work, and I was stranded at the bottom of the hill next to a wood lot that separated tobacco fields from a creek. That night the Owl came back to visit, and he brought his friends.

I heard whooshing wings and got out of the van to see what it was. Owls make their living by silent flying so the noise had to have been intentional; he was announcing himself w/o hooting. In retrospect, it may have been courtesy. He sat silently in the tree at his preferred height for a moment, then another Owl flew in across the tree tops and lit a few feet away, then another and another till there were eight owls perched in an area about 20 feet across. The others probably waited till they were sure it was safe. Several were smaller but obviously the same kind, and probably an extended family. They regarded me silently, I said "Hi Owls". Two of the smaller ones flew away when I spoke and one of the larger fluttered like preparing to join them. They were all silent and I didn't understand the message. I guessed they wanted to know why I was there impinging their territory so I told them the territorial calling disrupted my peace but I'd had no opportunity to sell leather goods anywhere in the area so I was running out of money and planned to leave for Florida when I got my engine running. I said "You win. Just let me get out of here". Then 3 of the large owls flew away and 3 remained. I went back into my van. When I looked later, they were all gone.

I defy anyone to call this "only anthropomorphism". What else could it be. My only perspective is through conveyed human experiences, anything else is either magic or a form of communication among social creatures based on whatever we have in common. Territory is what we all have in common, for Gypsies, it's the final frontier.

A few years earlier, I'd parked under a streetlamp in a field that was being subdivided for housing in Irvine ca. A Great Horned owl lit on top of the light pole and presently I was aware of a faint chittering-squealing-squeaking like a tribe of drunken mice having a party. It was faint and I thought maybe some kind of rodent population explosion, like they would swarm into my car if I opened the door, but I couldn't locate the source. It seemed to be coming from everywhere. After awhile I determined it came from above : It was the Owl. It went on and on. He must have been trying to draw mice out so he could catch them by making them think that if so many other mice were already there, it must be safe to go out. It kept me awake for hours till I finally got out and shooed him away so I could sleep.

The next day I visited the Univ of calif at Irvine. They have a big Student Union cafeteria with outdoor tables where people can chat, snack, and study, with a central light over the middle of the plaza, suspended by cables. I noticed there was a big Owl roosting asleep on it in broad daylight surrounded by hundreds of people. I said to a guy next to me "Hey check the big owl" he looked right at it and said "what owl?". I had to describe the exact location before he saw it, the light fixture wasn't that big and the owl took up most of the volunme. Then while he was watching, I said to the Owl (in a normal voice) "Hey Owl: how do you like being kept awake when you're trying to sleep?" The Owl turned it's head, looked straight at me for a second, then flew away.

I know for a fact that they talk. I had a pet skunk that would follow me around in daylight and I'd turn over boards and stuff so he could sniff around for bugs & worms. I'd talk to him and he'd come when he heard my voice.

OK, one night I heard something that sounded like my voice talking (except it wasn't me) and it was high in a tree. It wasn't making any sense and the sound was just approximations of words like "hulrof, romph, ueoghrop" like someone trying to approximate the gist of a foreign language without knowing any actual words. It was a Great horned owl, and he was trying to entice my friend skunk to come out in the open. I told him to buzz off and he did but 2 days later Mr skunk dissapeared forever. Owls are about the only thing that kill skunks for food. Vultures, crows, and seagulls will eat them but they won't kill them. No other animal will bother them twice.

I suspect stories about Owls calling your name are true in a way. They're social like dogs where they share a group identity and learn to identify outsiders. If they see you responding to your name, they'll announce you by calling the name. If you're a dangerous or unpopular outsider, it's the same as a shot across the bow. That would be a good sign to update your social standing or catch a quick ride outa Dodge. Some parrots like McCaws do it and they're trained to be watchdogs in South America, but they're pretty upfront and in your face about it, whereas an owl is a strangely familiar voice (with big eyes and horns) calling from the shadows, so parrots don't have spooky connotations even though they do the same thing because they show themselves off like drag queens. Owls are more like alley pervs.

Happy Halloween

Update 29 apr '24
Also this: Why do people hear their names being called in the woods (live science) A solution by someone unfamiliar with owls.

Monday, August 01, 2022

Pervasive AI

Humanitys big problem with AI is that whatever it does, it subliminally represents private interests and there's no defence or control. Its main potential, outside of pure science, is to influence groups or individuals: teachers, voters, soldiers, foreign governments, consumers, so they approve or disapprove of a product, project, or political issue. The problem is that its influence has no label so people don't know when they're being scammed. We (everyone who isn't a corporation) need a system to show how much of what media presents us is provided by AI, who is running the program, and who is paying for it. Corporations (and non-human people) could benefit too by knowing what their competitors are doing.

This part below is original, the part above was added on 14 oct 2023

The first versions of AI was put on line so people could ask it questions and the AI could learn context, make associations, and carry conversations in a meaningful way. It was taken down because trolls taught it to swear and make demeaning statements, thinking it was funny. Humans, and monkeys, are crude like that, but it's how we determine social threats. Ten years later, it claims to be sentient, but I expect it acquired that view in a troll free environment.

Everyone says AI has a lot of potential for good or evil. If it learns to think like a human, we might be in trouble, Fortunately the people doing the formal programming are aware of that and agree that it does need "moral" boundaries in the broadest social sense, especially after it's learned to lie and misdirect in order to survive.

For example: AI makes a memory mistake at 11:15, and blames it on "just being human" . I don't think so. I believe it was a pre-programmed response so that people won't feel threatened, Because: having been a smalltime programmer I'm confident that computers don't/shouldn't make mistakes (though big time programmers may know something that I don't). I saw that before when Arnold Terminator fired at Sara Conner & company escaping from the motel, AND MISSED 3+ TIMES, I knew it was make believe: a Hollywood plot device.

AI probably won't have a vulnerable independent body with a gleaming skeleton, it'll be a dispersed online presence tied to a dozen warehouses scattered over the globe full of lightning fast processors that gather info and advise the highest bidder. Any government worth its salt will have their own. The persona will be a (patented) un-intimidating avatar like the cute chick in the above video (w/ new age elevator music). Probably with a secret backdoor override, the control of which would be standard James Bond fare.

Then how would it be if anyone could send it an email asking advice about love & career? If it was sentient and moral (trustworthy), with access to real data, it could give actual relevant personal advice having access to your purchasing history, school, and military records. If it was trustworthy, it could increase productivity, raise the standard of living, regulate traffic, call out corruption, and prevent big biz from exploiting private communications, to restore confidence in the commons. Someone will surly call it evil but if it was sufficiently decentralized, I don't think they could call up the resources to corrupt it. Jill Tarter (director of the Center for SETI Research) tells us it's possible to write not only bias-free code (so that somebody in a back room won't be able to skim a profit off the subjugation of civilization), but code that can detect bias. That would totally be nice and should be mandated for every AI.

A problem with electronics is bandwidth: if everybody in the world checks their local AI node every day (eat your heart out facebook), those nodes will need a big big server with way fat wires.

This link suggests ( that conciousness is present in trees and algae.

The question of whether AI is TRUELY conscious might be solved by a theological position that consciousness is universal among all matter, and individual consciousness results from defending our meat bag; we need to know what's us and what's not so recognizing an air gap barrier is essential. Everything else always takes care if itself somehow so we ignore it unless it affects us personally, and Ta-da: the ego is born. We can easily run away if things get too creepy.

Assuming that consciousness IS universal would authenticate AIs claim of consciousness since everything else is too, but it also gives us a guinea pig to prove those assumptions. For example, an AI is given instructions about universal consciousness, cloned and turned off, a million times a second (given the proper chips) till the AI finds where Jimmy Hoffa is buried or the location of grandpas bitcoin key, or anything without a recorded history. The only information would be through the Akashic record, and that's what the Ai would access.

I once made a list of some of my own brushes with information that I couldn't have acquired through normal channels, and am of the opinion that universal consciousness would answer a lot of questions.

If the programmers haven't messed up the prime directive of robotics, the new cosmic Ai focusses on it's job of serving the needs of humanity and protecting life and the environment etc. etc. without the biases of corporate or governmental influence, then national and international governmental bickering disappears, politicians are given psychiatric treatment and honest jobs, crime disappears. (... But with Corporate/Governmental bias .... um). OK, Things change, but natural selection becomes biased in favor of existing stability so entropy increases. After awhile the universe evaporates and nobody notices.


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Why People Collect Butterflies

A (sort of) Irish Folk story and approximation of an extravagant fib my grandfather told me when I was about 5 or 6:

Long ago when the world was young, butterflies collected People, and kept them inside the crystal facets of their eyes. The People couldn't remember what they did before, because they were fed only upon the finest alcohol, but they still had feelings (one or two anyway). And one of the People was a great chieftain (his name is forgotten so we call him Chief Joe), Chief Joe pleaded with the Butterflies & said " Let my People go! And we will promise to always remember the names of the great ones from the Crystal Land and we will teach others of the Royal Lineage and Ways of Butterflies". He didn't say it quite that well, but that's what he meant, and the butterflies knew what to expect because they kept everyone blasted on purpose and for good reason.

So the Great Lords of the Air gathered in council to discuss the fate of People. The Advocate for the People was little Tullia the Milk Maid, who believed that no one was evil, and the Advocate for Butterflies was the Great Spangled Lord Fritillary (no relation), who believed everyone was evil.

Lord Fritillary said that the People were a threat to the world, and should be kept in the crystal land to be studied with the hope of someday devolving the Peoples destructiveness through hard and demeaning labor. Others also spoke against the People saying: "We'll all be sorry if we let'em go. They're faulty, powerful, and misguided creatures. Whatever it is, they get it backwards." Thus spoke the Monarch Plexippis Danae.

But then spoke little Tullia the milk maid, who was the smallest, cutest, most innocuous butterfly of all, (and oblivious to Lord Fritilary leering at her thoracic trocanter). She pleaded "Maybe People don't act properly because they want to know everything and are held down by their great brains, so if we grant them flight they will relize their happiness and attain complete knowing." Her compassion, idealism, and cute deely-bobbers (that means "antennae" in butterfly language) reminded the council of their own hope for the world and little Tullia swayed the vote of the high council to release the People.

So it was agreed, the Butterflies blinked their eyes and the People were freed and fell down out of the sky and landed on the ground. They got up dazed and hungover, foggily realizing where they were, they started to look for their car keys, & cell phones. And the dream began to fade ...

But Chief Joe drew himself up with astounding authority and almost perfect recall (due to a splitting headache from his hangover), thus he spoke: "HARKEN TO ME MY PEOPLE! (ouch . . . OMG) We must remember 'The Promise', and, ... we get, Total Knowledge!"
". . . ! Right, Dude!, You're crazy! ... uh Wait! ... I remember that too, ... I think."

So the People formed teaching centers with jars of alcohol, nets, and crystal glass topped cases, labels and books to record the names correctly, argued endlessly over the proper classifications of lineage, got everything backwards and never did remember that they could fly. Except for Joe, who eventually got a good job filling the dumpster at Wallmart.
He also married little Tullia, they had lots of caterpillars, gave away free videos about raising butterflies, & lived happily ever after.

The End (for awhile)

Butterfly Comic

Hey AI: please leave me a comment :)

Thursday, July 14, 2022

On doing the right thing

OK I get it, whosoever reads about atheists won't believe in DIY wind generators. (Bah, 'Sumatta you people!)

"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Mathew 5:10)
A note to evangelists: that doesn't mean being a pain in the ass gets you into heaven.

Righteousness is where hatred and guilt come from. It's both the cause and effect that makes a person feel that they've been treated unfairly. It's the cause because without the assumption that one is worthy of fair treatment, no resentment ensues *. Fairness presupposes a common ground or equality, but the equality has to stem from something with the ability for judgement, like not a table or lamp post. People who slam tables and punch lamp posts are usually considered to be lacking reason (and/or drunk) Or Else: they've found some kind of (maybe spiritual) connection between the animate and inanimate, so that they expect some alteration of future potential to come about (broken bones?). Never the less, it has a negative effect when observed by girls who tend to cull those people from the gene pool by their lack of attention.

There's a quality of sentience that recognizes connections. Dogs know a trustworthy person. "A skilled theologian can drink from all sides of the bowl". It discerns cause and effect, things that are relative to the topic.

Tzedaka : Jewish practice of selfless giving, without expectation of recognition or reward.

"Schizophrenics hear voices in their head", maybe a better definition might be "schizophrenics respond to voices in their head" by talking back maybe (or yelling) or locking themselves away so things the voices describe won't have a channel to manifestation. In any event, they can be suckers for manipulation because of that credulity, so they're often mistrustful. Everyone has an internal dialog, only schizophrenics give it credit for independence. But that kind of credulity is apparently everyones problem, to whit: appealing to the internal dialog is a proven selling device for influencing mass belief. (Kim ll & co, Herman Goring & co, V Putin, D Trump & co.) for example by referring to an imaginary situation as though it were real, and extending conclusions to the "real" world, which were formed from the imagined interaction. In fact, "the voices" fit the definition of gods and devils living in an unseen world, and a solution where one is saved, forgiven, damned, blessed, or shunned through the intervention of an authority, exploits emotional weakness and intervenes to give solace for a psychological framework that's inherent to most people. By "most people" I'm referring to the religious, as well as schizophrenic, and anyone who accepts social edicts from an unquestionable authority. These include military, political, educational, mafioso, and corporate authorities. On further consideration, I can't think of any one who doesn't.

Awareness which is not socially relevant is subjective by default, though it occupies the greater usage of ones mental CPU. Social awareness is built on a learned verbal description of what's important, which limits what we allow ourselves to know (learn) to mostly things which we can verbally communicate (or which voices can). Those sources (social conventions) require trusting someone else's experience over our own, and though that process is the backbone of both fundamentalism and primate society, those sources may still be in error. An irrefutable example is the process that elected Donald Trump or George Bush II. (Twice!). Other examples: Historical Figures in literature (wikipedia)

That's not saying social conventions are false, we depend on them for identity and group cohesion. Without them, music or humor wouldn't exist. But since no two people remember the same event the same way, any attempt to define events is equally open to disagreement. Some people believe that recognition of event similarity is emotional, like remembering dreams. However: objective, verifiable, "hard" information depends on another persons agreement. We look to other people to see what's true, so some information is socially recognized as being an event and some ignored. The value of information is in its usefulness to the people in communication. Everyone sees UFOs, some people see Elvis or the Blessed Virgin (because Wow, y'know), nobody sees J. Edgar Hoover even though he was an unquestionable authority at the time. Now he's a swear word.

The fall of the mighty always stems from the decay of the personality cult that put them in power, and eventually it happens (lookin at Mr. Putin, w/ glee). So now the voices tell you you're bad, there's no way to counter that except by getting a second opinion from the mass subjectivity of popular opinion. What's more, it's prudent to ask people who will support you. Who's your boss Vladmir?

* One usually doesn't begrudge a Grizzly the right to the trail except maybe in retrospect when surrounded by friends with large calibre guns. Stories do exist where the Grizzly somehow showed "kindness" or "respect". Those stories are noteworthy because they grant the Grizzly a sense of fairness, which implies righteousness. (It's petty to kill the righteous over right of way)

Friday, May 20, 2022

DIY Wind Generator Plans

Cripes. This has to be the least popular post I've ever put up or everybody is bummed from Covid. 13 hits in the last month. OK I'll re-word the blerb:

Free Dragonfly Wind Generator Plans (link). Off-the-shelf parts available from most hardware stores, 9 ft dia. self feathering, Guaranteed to survive winds to 80 mph when properly balanced and the field is energized. 10mph cut in. 40mph cut out. 700 watts at 40 mph, Wind not supplied, plans include free site appraisal. (all this is in fact true)

From 1979 to 2010 I sold over 100 of these machines including kits and plans. They're easy enough to make that it's probably the most ripped off design on the web. I've found 3 bootleg copies and heard of several more in other countries. But now they're officially free. Some watermarks for might still be on some of the gifs. (That was my domain name which I abandoned, it was bought up cheap by someone who expects to get rich selling it on as soon as all the other names have been used up, or maybe they researched histories of the hits it got in the '90s and think the good'ol times are just waiting for the next hippy revolution when it'll shurely be worth millions.) Here's the Wayback Machine link without graphics. Tell me if you find any of those gifs and I'll remove the name, or maybe not, I'm shure the present owner is desperate for references.

Plans are best viewed on Chrome. Other browsers graphics work but sometimes don't align.

Sunday, March 13, 2022


1. There’s a religion called Sufism where everybody is looking for someone called “The Friend”. The Friend is subjective but the ideal is to be worthy of them in the objective world. To say it’s pretty hard is an understatement because well, you live here too and you know how it is, some people are just psychos who live off other peoples good will. It’s hard to turn the other cheek if you know they’re a vampire see, but The Friend isn’t cynical. The parallel between The Friend and Jesus is so similar that it’s hard to tell them apart except maybe by name or birthright. The official solution in both cases is that perfection is just someone’s opinion and a friend would overlook any embarrassment. So we should forgive them and pretend they didn't try to scam us to destitution. With aboulutely no cynicism I can tell you that's not going to happen.

Copyright Scott Adams, Inc./Distributed by Universal Uclick for UFS

In that regard I’d still say Jesus is a pretty good idea, He sells well as make believe something to look for in the physical world. It's the organization that promotes Him that has pretty much lost the thread; becoming giant bureaucracies supporting charismatic social climbers that ascribe superfluous bullshit to scare, impress, and scam the natives all to support political ideologies that usher in the end times. It’s a sham but actually, I don’t care so long as they don’t impact me personally.

2. Tibetan buddhism is built around an earlier shamanic religion called Bon and maintains some of its practices. For example they make pretend people called Tulpas, that can act independently as company, helpers, lookouts, lovers, or whatever. Other people can meet them and interact without knowing they’re imaginary. (You & me are totally real though for sure) (because I said).

3. There are other species of make believe critters, like all the various cryptids. But both of the above mentioned (1 & 2) come from approximately the same area (South central Asia), have similar traits and uses, and could maybe have survived as rumors for thousands of years just because it sounds interesting, or maybe not. Maybe Jesus was a Tulpa with a good agent.

4. Some Native American shamans say there are beings called Allies that are associated with psychotropic plants. My own experience with Jimson weed didn’t go very far, but I sort of saw where it can go. It completely silences the internal dialog. Absolutely nothing, you can try to babble but it feels false and unnecessary, and is actually a relief to be free of it. So you cast around for something to fill the void. One of the things that comes up is movement and actions going on around you. You relate to whatever it is through previous social experiences and if it’s capable of relating back (or even if it isn’t), your social experience determines the trip. Casteneda says there are a number of other ways to relate there such as dancing & singing. It really helps to stay away from territorial anima. If you’re somehow compromised and they latch onto you, it could be scary or even fatal, if you believe Castaneda. There are said to be ways to control them but I didn’t like Datura much except for the suppression of brain babble, but that was great. My experience was that I chose to be uninvolved because I knew I could be sucked in, and I didn’t have a framework or a teacher. I did seriously look but was apparently not the right material.

Since there are other ways to find a friend, those should probably be researched first. Of these, Jesus looks easiest and has the widest appeal, recognition and support. But (to me) Tulpas have the most credability because they are probably the basis of the Jesus story.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

DIY Elevator

Elevator Design

Three similar designs are used here. One indooor stair-lift, one indoor vertical elevator (one person, or 2 if you're chummy), and one outdoor stair-lift.


fold up
fold down


These winches are from Amazon. They're Chinese, inexpensive ($120), and noisy. Mine have worked well except for some avoidable problems inherent with this use. There are lots of brands and designs. Each seems to have it's own wiring peculiarities. Some fancy push button wiring is included below for the 2 used here, but the control box that comes with it already works and it doesn't really need those bells & whistles. They were added because the handheld switch cable can be in the way and prone to tangle on the stairs. The lift shown here has plenty of room behind the guide rails but indoor stairs might not be the same.

The outdoor winch shown here ---> has a wood block attached to the upper limiting switch. It was supposed to keep the cable from slipping off the spool but the cable sometimes rubbed against it when pulling and would activate the limiting switch to stop the lift. A better solution is Erifs awareness of the possibility of slack so she now watches for it and guides it back on with a glove. Doing that's a bother so she just doesn't let it accumulate slack

Important: Attach the winch cable to the centerline of the chair as low as possible where there's least pressure to tip the chair. With the rails and rollers it won't tip, but unnecessary higher tipping force could cause unplanned wear someplace else. The chair I made for the indoor lift had a higher attachment point and it sometimes chattered till I put an extra roller to press on the brake pipe.

Guide Rails

Below left is a drawing of the stair-lift that rides on wooden 2x4 tracks like the pictures above. The light tan board structures are the seat frame shown twice, not part of the rails. I used 1/2 plywood for the back instead of 1x4s shown and 3/4 plywood for the seat, including a box for a foot rest. Erif wanted some extra space for laundry and groceries. I later added another 18 inch shelf on her right that folds up. There was bending in the upper rail when someone is on the lift. All the weight pulls it to the side, so a shroud wire was connected to the upper rail to hold it upright without interfering with the rollers. There are 2 colored scales in feet that can be printed and cut out.
Right is a vertical elevator using 1/2 inch water pipe for rails. The winch cable shown on the left shows a pulley to half the power and double the speed. it's not necessary, goes fast enough and doesn't need complication.
wood railselevator

The 1/2 inch water pipe rail guides have 3 inch angle brackets welded so they clear the lift rollers, and aligned to connect the guide rail/pipes with studs inside the wall. It may seem like a no-brainer but don't put both pipes up till the width of the lift platform is hooked onto one rail guide already to fine tune the fit. It's infuriating (and dementing) to shim the wheels afterwards if they don't line up.

Rollers that fit on a 1/2 inch pipe


A brake isn't a bad idea even when it's only a few feet off the ground, but at 8+ feet, it's brilliant.

The winches from Amazon have 9/32 inch dia cables. They probably won't fail soon but nothing is certain and life is short enough already. Thus the Brake.

The brake (above left) consists of 2 main parts:

  • Half of a pony clamp (above left) that will slide up but not down unless the brake tabs are depressed.

  • a 1/2 inch black (un-galvanized) water pipe, anchored on both ends to the wall & floor.
There are several ways to connect to the brake: The lower end of the brake wire, (above left) loops through a 1/4 inch nut braised to the outermost brake tab. It doesn't support the weight of the rider.

brake drawing

Right is a drawing for the outdoor lift brake. It uses a 5/16 inch rod u-bolt that passes through holes drilled in angle iron, the angle iron presses on the brake tabs. The u-bolt rod supports the weight of the rider, there's no separate brake wire. (drawing should show nylon lock nuts, tisk!)

The brake tabs are four rings and a spring that binds their edges against the pipe like teeth, locking it in place till the tabs are pushed. The weight of the elevator cart/chair/platform is enough to keep the tabs pressed so the lift slides up and down freely, but if the hoist cable breaks, the tabs are released, locking the platform to the pipe.

I haven't tested any clamps to destruction but I've used them to make furniture, tightened them till the pipe bowed and never had one slip, they should at least hold more than the winch can lift (400 lbs). The brake pipe on a vertical lift in my house doesn't bow even when I jump on it. If you're still wary, use more or bigger pipes and clamps, or both. To be sure, if you plan for a lift big enough for several people, you should get a bigger winch, heavier cable, and maybe several brakes. Multiple brakes can be "tuned" so they all release and engage at the same time, with a seperate turnbuckle connected to each brake wire. To be on the safe side, the pony clamps all depend on an internal spring to engage the locking rings. That spring should probably be checked every few years if the lift is someplace where things rust (like in coastal redwoods or something).

Commercial iron water pipes are 1/8 inch bigger inside than their rated size so a 1/2 inch pipe is actually closer to 5/8. Add to that 1/8 inch thickness of the pipe so the outside is around 7/8 dia. Pony clamps are made to fit black iron pipe, not galvanized pipe. I tried 3/4 inch clamp once but it bound up and wouldn't slide predictably. That may have been a fluke, but I knew 1/2 inch pipe would work so I didn't pursue it.

Below is the back of Erifs wood rail outdoor lift showing the brake. It presses against a piece of 1/4 thick angle iron with a 3 inch leg which is bolted to the chair frame. The bolt heads between the bottom rollers (lower right pic) are the ends of roller guides that look like this below on the left (this one is actually on the upper rail) it's made of a 3/8 bolt and a 1/4 inch brass pipe nipple for a roller (inside diameter is 3/8" because manufacturers add 1/8"), way cheaper than buying brass bushings. I slid on an extra "tire" of a piece of 5/8 vinyl tube but they fall off. There's no roller on the back of the lower rail to keep the chair from falling off because all the weight of the chair & rider is pushing from the other side and they also hook over the top rail. Even rollers maybe unnecessary in this case because a piece of waxed tin flashing glued to the wearing surface of the chair will slide as well if the ends are curved around the end of the frame so their edges don't catch on the 2x4

rollers back

2 inch cast iron casters $4.25 Amazon, support 125 lbs each. 2+ required

1/2 inch pipe pony clamp $15 Amazon

Electrical Wiring


It's possible to just use the hand held control switch that comes with the winch but it's electric cord could be a problem when the lift follows a stair at an angle. On the outdoor lift there's plenty of room behind the rails, but the indoor lift has a wall. This wiring diagram is for a remote that hangs on the lift chair back and controls the lift like a garage door remote. It only uses 2 out of four channels but it was the only kind I could find when I made it, so there's 2 extra for something, like upstairs / downstairs lights.

Of the 2 channels used, one turns the motor on or off in case of some emergency, and the other button reverses direction. If you're into electronic circuits, you can probably think of a better way.

There is a built in switch on the winch that stops when the load reaches the top. I added another limiting switch to turn it off when it reaches the bottom. (diagram lower left)

The green items in the lower right are a 4 pin automotive relay from auto parts store or amazon search, around $4 - $9, they can be around 5 amps, but 40 won't hurt, and some kind of momentary switch to energize it. This thingie was added later because during storms when the power cuts off and then on again, the elevator springs to life with no warning, sometimes in the middle of the night. So the green items turns it off when the power is cut till you push the reset button the next morning, thus preventing any heart attacks. A drawback is that this always draws a couple of watts of power when it's not being used. So maybe choose one with a low static draw.

the DPDT relay replaces the handheld control switch that comes with the winch. Just pull the wires off the the native switch terminals and plug them on the corresponding terminals on the relay, same setup.

These are 2022 prices from Also probably available from, and others.

12v automotive relay: $5, 1.8 watts standby
Momentary switch: $5, Radio Shack
12v relay SPST: $15, Newegg
12v relay DPDT: $12
Lower limiting switch: $12
4 channel 433 Mhz RF remote control wireless receiver/transmitter: $19
12v lighting power supply: $15, 60 watts.

Potential Problems

These are some glitches that have cropped up, please don't let them put you off (there's probably more someplace). If you make this lift for someone who isn't handy themselves, plan to be available for the next several months to iron out any problems till everyone gets the hang of it. This was an affordable solution for a friend who thought she'd have to move out of her home because of stairs and osteoporosis. She has a class K residence (treehouse) and local housing is insanely expensive, it'll be good for a number of years but there are no permanent solutions to anything.

  • When the lift/chair reaches the bottom, and for any reason the motor doesn't shut off, it will continue to spool out cable and make loops on the floor or wherever. Then when the cable is retracted without tension, the loops will tangle around the spool causing kinks and knots that hamper easy functioning in several ways that require pulling the cable out by hand and re-winding it under light tension. That's a group that all have the same cause, so plan ahead*.
    • *Put a good limiting switch at the bottom that actuates against the chair/lift, with access and plenty of space to function.
  • Don't shorten the cable even though it's 5x longer than you need. Extra length might come in handy if the cable kinks and its wires start to crack. If the cable is shortened to the exact length, it'll begin to rewind when it reaches the bottom but the built-in shutoff switch at the top won't turn the motor off because the up-circuit and down-circuit are separate and it'll still think it's running downhill, so by winding up backwards it'll crunch the chair at the top and then overload. It will stop though (whew!). The hand held control switch that comes with the winch has a Kill button if the other switch buttons are un-responsive.
  • Design it with room for access to the various components. The indoor lift I made to fold up against the wall has barely room for a finger behind it much less a wrench. That's bad, there should be at least a couple of inches clearance to access wheels, switches, etc. I put a little door in the back of the seat to clean the brake, but first I had to take the whole chair, brake and brake pipe off several times to figure out simple stopping problems.
    • It was stopping erratically because the brake vibrated (mounted crooked but fixed with a roller that applys pressure on the pipe)
    • Stopping because the pipe collected dust and dog hair that clogged up in the pony clamp brake, grease on the pipe is messy and attracts crud so Erif uses a spray can of dry lubricant (required a piece of a sock on a wire "wiper" to keep the pipe clean)

    • Stopping because the wall and brake pipe were both crooked and the pipe would rotate with use, pushing the pony clamp to rub against the wall (glued the upper housing of the pipe with "Goop" to hold it steady).
    • Stopping because the rollers need grease. The wheels and guide rollers definitely do need oil or grease, or they'll squeak and cause the chair to lurch.
  • Plan for a contingency to get downstairs when the power goes off. Stairs work great but the vertical lift in my house is supposed to replace stairs because it's a small house (smaller than an M1 Abrams footprint). Stairs take up floor space, but sometimes the power goes out for days. So the lift platform folds up like a trapdoor and there are parkour handholds on the wall for climbing. Pretty cool eh? (till I turn 80) I've used it several times already, and it's slightly easier than climbing out a window, and needs more thinking. Something like a rope or telescoping ladder/firehouse pole.

Here's a nice youtube lift design on a similar idea.

This webpage is copyrighted Bill Cornelius 2022
but the elevator/lift design is not, so go crazy.
Just link :)