Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I've been breathing easier since the Religious Right scaled back its plan for world domination, but now I'm feeling insecure again. I just watched a CD by PBS on The National Parks by Ken Burns, and noticed most of the theme music is 'ol timy baptist hymns played stringband, and a recurring topic is something like "communing with nature is talking to god" w/ a bunch of quotes by John Muir and some left sounding intellectual talking heads. In other words: Subliminal propaganda, but targeting a new demographic. It looks like the (old) new-age left w/ dope & native americans, but now w/ implied govt backing. Could this be the beginnings of "The Religious Left"? I have to admit the only part about church I ever (sometimes) liked was singing. Now that, and my other weakness, wilderness, are being used to place me in some kind of politically exploitable demographic. So I'm just being paranoid right?

God associated with real estate is a problem. It's true that the national parks have some beautiful places, but my friend Joe avoids them because the tourists are cattle & rangers are cowboys who carry tasers as well as pistols, Mace, and assault rifles. Sacred land is probably more dangerous than private land because nobody is accountable, just look'it Israel.

Immorality causes disasters says minister (BBC)
Priest admits abusing 100 children (Video CNN)
Even more UNSPEAKABLE SCANDAL (Connecticut Post)
In the eyes of many, the reputation of the Catholic church is destroyed beyond repair. (Timesonline)
The Religious Wars (NY Times)
Why do Atheists care about religion? (scienceblogs)
Agressive Atheism (video)

While I would definitely be the last to berate G Bush for eternity, (or even longer) ...

My new favorite Canadian comic strip as of Wed. Nov 11 9:07 PM

A traditional god is part of the human experience
The Crocoduck controversy

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